Spreadsheet Pane Column Definitions

The Spreadsheet pane of the Project view displays a set of standard columns.

Use the Insert Column dialog box and the Edit Column dialog box to change fields in the Spreadsheet pane.

Column Description
% Spent This column displays the percentage of the forecast spent, which is calculated using the formula (Actual/EAC) * 100.
Actual Finish This column displays the actual finish date of the control account or work package.
Actual Rate This column displays the actual rate, which is calculated using the formula Actual/Actual.Hours.
Actual Start This column displays the actual start date of the control account or work package.
Actuals This column displays the total actual currency value of the control account or work package. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Apportioned CaWP Uid This column displays the UID for the work package stored in theApportioned to field.
Apportioned to This column displays the work package to which the budget for the referenced work package is apportioned.
Assignment % Complete This column displays the percentage of work that has been completed for the Earned Value class to which the resource is assigned.
BAC This column displays the budget at completion or the resource total.
Baseline Finish This column displays the baseline finish date that defines the last date of the control account or work package.
Baseline Start This column displays the baseline start date that defines the initial status date for the control account or work package.
Budget This column displays the total currency budget value of the control account or work package. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the column.
Budget Rate This column displays the budget rate, which is calculated using the formula Budget to Date/Budget to Date Hours.
Ca[1-3]Id This column displays the control account field names.
Calculated % Complete This column displays the percentage of the work that has been completed, which is calculated using the formula Earned/BAC * 100. The value in the column is populated when you run the Calculate Progress process or when you manually edit or create the Earned Value class of a resource assignment and run the Update Totals process.
CAM This column displays the Control Account Manager (CAM) code attached to the control account.
CaWpUid This is used internally by Cobra.
CI Batch This is used internally by Cobra.
Class This column displays the class associated with the resource.
Class Description This column displays a brief description of the class associated with the resource.
Control Account Codes [1-9] This column displays the control account codes.
CPI This column displays the Cost Performance Index, which is calculated using the formula Earned/Actual.
CPI Performance This column displays the CPI Performance, which is calculated using the formula Actual/Earned.
Current Period Actuals This column displays the current period actual currency value of the control account or work package. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Current Period Budget This column displays the current period budget value of the control account or work package. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Current Period Hours Actuals This column displays the current period actuals value in hours of the control account or work package. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Current Period Hours Budget This column displays the current period budget value in hours of the control account or work package. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Current Period Hours Progress This column displays the current period earned value in hours of the control account or work package. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Current Period Progress This column displays the current period earned value of the control account or work package. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
CV This column displays the Cost Variance, which is calculated using the formula Earned - Actual.
CV % This column displays the Cost Variance percentage, which is calculated using the formula CV/Earned * 100.
Description This column displays a brief description of the control account or work package.
EAC This column displays the total Estimate At Complete currency value based on the cost set EAC. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Early Finish This column displays the early finish date for the control account or work package.
Early Start This column displays the early start date for the control account or work package.
Forecast Finish This column displays the forecast finish date of the control account or work package.
Forecast Start This column displays the initial status date for the control account or work package.
Hours % Complete This column displays the percentage of the work that has been completed, calculated using the formula Earned Hours/BAC Hours * 100.
Hours % Spent This column displays the percentage of the budget spent, which is calculated using the formula (Actual Hours/EAC Hours) * 100.
Hours Actuals This column displays the total actual currency value, which is calculated using the formula (Actual Hours/EAC Hours) * 100.
Hours BAC This column displays the budget at completion in hours.
Hours Budget This column displays the budget to date values in hours.
Hours CPI This column displays the Cost Performance Index, which is calculated using the formula Earned Hours/Actual Hours.
Hours CPI Performance This column displays the CPI Performance, which is calculated using the formula Actual Hours/Earned Hours.
Hours CV This column displays the Cost Variance, which is calculated using the formula Earned Hours - Actual Hours.
Hours CV % This column displays the Cost Variance percentage, which is calculated using the formula CV Hours/Earned Hours * 100.
Hours EAC This column displays the total Estimate At Complete currency value in hours.
Hours iEac This column displays the independent Estimate At Complete, which is calculated using the formula 1/CPI (Budget at Complete Hours - Earned Hours) + Actual Hours.
Hours iEac2 This column displays the independent Estimate At Complete, which is calculated using the formula 1/CPI *SPI (BAC Hours- Earned Hours) + Actual Hours.
Hours Progress This column displays the total earned currency value in hours.
Hours SPI This column displays the Schedule Performance Index (SPI), which is calculated using the formula Earned Hours /Budget to Date Hours.
Hours SV This column displays the Schedule Variance (SV), which is calculated using the formula Earned Hours - Budget to Date Hours.
Hours SV % This column displays the Schedule Variance (SV) percentage, which is calculated using the formula SV Hours/Earned Hours *100.
Hours TCPIbac This column displays the To Complete Performance Index for the budget at complete, which is calculated using the formula (BAC Hours - Earned Hours)/ (BAC Hours - Actual Hours).
Hours TCPIeac This column displays the To Complete Performance Index for the projected estimate at complete, which is calculated using the formula (BAC Hours - Earned Hours)/ (EAC Hours - Actual Hours).
Hours VAC This column displays the Variance At Complete (VAC), which is calculated using the formula BAC Hours - EAC Hours.
Hours VAC % This column displays the Variance At Complete (VAC) percentage, which is calculated using the formula (BAC Hours - EAC Hours)/ BAC Hours*100.
Hours Variance This column displays the Variance, which is calculated using the formula Budget at Complete Hours - Forecast at Complete Hours.
iEac This column displays the independent Estimate At Complete, which is calculated using the formula Actual + [1/ CPI(BAC - Earned)].
iEac2 This column displays the independent Estimate at Complete, which is calculated using the formula Actual + [1/ (CPI*SPI)(BAC - Earned)].
Last Update This column displays the date when the control account or work package details were last updated.
Late Finish This column displays the late finish date for the control account or work package.
Late Start This column displays the late start date for the control account or work package.
Non Labor EAC This column displays the EAC value for resources that do not have an hours result. This field is used in the scale EAC currency option when both hours and currency are selected.
Op Batch This is used internally Cobra.
Pending Finish This column displays the pending finish date of the control account or work package.
Pending Start This column displays the pending start date of the control account or work package.
Percent Complete This column displays the manually entered percent complete used to calculate earned value for work packages with a progress technique of Percent Complete.
Performance Factor This column displays the performance factor value, usually based on performance to date, which is divided into the budgeted cost of work remaining to arrive at an Estimate To Complete (ETC).
Progress This column displays the total earned currency value of the control account or work package. The Update Totals utility populates the value in the table.
Progress Technique This column displays the progress technique assigned to the work package.
Project This column displays the name of the project.
Resource This column displays resource assignment for the selected cost set or class type.
Resource Assignment Codes [1-9] This column displays resource assignment codes.
Resource Description This column displays a brief description of the resource.
Sequence This column is used internally by Cobra.
SPI This column displays the Schedule Performance Index, which is calculated using the formula Earned/Budget to Date.
Start Percent This column displays the opening percent complete for work packages that use the user-defined progress technique.
Status This column displays the status of the selected control account or work package.
SV This column displays the Schedule Variance, which is calculated using the formula Earned - Budget to Date.
SV % This column displays the Schedule Variance percentage, which is calculated using the formula SV/Earned *100.
TCPIbac This column displays the To Complete performance index for the budget at complete, which is calculated using the formula (BAC-Earned)/(BAC-Actual).
TCPIeac This column displays the To Complete Performance Index for the projected estimate at complete, which is calculated using the formula (BAC - Earned)/ (EAC-Actual).
Total This column displays the current total for each of the results over the life of the project.
Uid This column displays the unique ID for the row.
Units This column displays how the result is measured. For example, a unit of measurement might be dollars, or it might be tons.
Units Complete This column displays the number of units completed.
Units To Do This column displays the number of units that remain to be completed, which is available only if you selected the Units Complete progress technique.
User This column displays the individual who is currently accessing the project, which is available only if you selected the Units Complete progress technique.
User Character Fields [1-10] This column displays the character fields that can be used for display in the view, or can be added as tags in the reports.
Note: You must first run the required script to display User Character Fields [6-10]. Refer to “Appendix E: Configure Cobra to Support Additional User Fields” of the Deltek Cobra 8.1 Installation Guide for instructions on how to configure Cobra to use these additional fields.
User Date Fields [1-10] This column displays the date fields that can be used for display in the view, or can be added as tags in the reports.
Note: You must first run the required script to display User Date Fields [6-10]. Refer to “Appendix E: Configure Cobra to Support Additional User Fields” of the Deltek Cobra 8.1 Installation Guide for instructions on how to configure Cobra to use these additional fields.
User Numeric Fields [1-10] This column displays the numeric fields that can be used for display in the view, or can be added as tags in the reports.
Note: You must first run the required script to display User Numeric Fields [6-10]. Refer to “Appendix E: Configure Cobra to Support Additional User Fields” of the Deltek Cobra 8.1 Installation Guide for instructions on how to configure Cobra to use these additional fields.
VAC This column displays the Variance At Complete, which is calculated using the formula BAC - EAC.
VAC % This column displays the Variance At Complete percentage, which is calculated using the formula (BAC - EAC)/ BAC*100.
Variance This column displays the Variance, which is calculated using the formula Budget at Complete - Forecast at Complete.
Work Package This column displays the work package ID.
Work Package Codes [1-9] This column displays the work package codes assigned to the project.
Work Package Manager This column displays the work package manager assigned to the project.